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Join Us

The Australian Life Coaching Society network is made up of elite coaches of all kinds, who believe in the values of interdependence, collaboration, life-long learning, and the desire to make a meaningful difference in our culture and community.

The most important element in participating in our network and in becoming a member is alignment with our mission (both primary and secondary). To repeat, these are:

  • to advance the coaching practices that lead to our highest states of well-being (or our essential happiness)
  • and to research and innovate upon the four faculties framework, (or Neuro-TetraDynamics), further advanced coaching solutions

Membership into our organization is free, but by application only. It is reserved for elite individuals that fully align with the mission – which is our sole purpose and reason for meeting and collaborating.

As such, the following elementary selection criteria apply:

ABILITY: You have approved educational qualifications in the life coaching practice, psychology, business or a related field, and/ or proven coaching/ counselling experience.

(Note: It is understood there is a wide array of accreditation pathways available for coaches – inclusive of non-accreditation – and ALCS has no preference or affiliation with any training school, accreditation body or background choice of education or experience. Each application shall be reviewed by the ALCS committee board, for suitability into this project.)

ETHICS: To participate in our coaching network, this required an established proficiency in a code of ethics that includes:

– being loyal to your commitment
– being reliable and dependable
– being proactive and cooperative with your ideas
– being respectful and kind

Above all, we seek individuals who (to paraphrase a statement often used in legal matters), are interested in the pursuit of Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.

For generally speaking there are two kinds of positions one can take in relation to Truth – that Truth is subjective, or it is objective. As such, if Truth is subjective, Truth then can be subjected to one’s personal desires; or if one believes in the later case, that personal desires ought to be subjected to the Truth.

The ALCS network exclusively holds onto the later position, and as such, are in pursuit of Truth, despite if this contradicts and runs against economic expediency, political correctness, fashionable/ popular ideas or personal desires.

Membership application follows three elementary steps:

  1. APPLICATION: First, the submission of an application, which shall be reviewed by our coaching committee team for suitability in our network, according to the set criteria.
  2. PROBATION: Second, if the application is successful, you will be invited to talk with us and to collaborate in our network, as a ‘probationary member’.
  3. MEMBERSHIP: Third, upon confirming your alignment with our mission in actual practice, you will be invited to become a full member.

So, if you agree to the following criteria and would like to apply, let’s get started.

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