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About Our Background

The Australian Life Coaching Society began in late 2004 with the founder and president of ALCS, John Angheli, as part of a Masters of Business research at Swinburne University.

By using Professor Peter Drucker’s framework of the 5 Questions – and a collective of 14 practicing coaches across various field – he researched what were the pressing issues of the day in this newly emerging field of life coaching.

Soon, a small, dedicated committee formed, who were willing to put in the hours and energy required to build this organisation. After a year of defining the mission of the Society and setting up an operational framework, the Australian Life Coaching Society was registered on 24 November 2005.

From here emerged the first version of ALCS, where we sought to provide pro-bono or altruistic coaching services, to the members of our society that we not able to afford it – i.e. under-resourced individuals and organisations.

But based on the results of this project (as an action research), it soon became apparent that the meaningful measures we were after was not in ‘economics’, but in what is the ‘essence’ of great life coaching. For it’s not the quantity of coaching that can be made available that really matters, but what is its quality.

Quality ought to be the first and foremost issue. For making more accessible and widespread, partial and limited frameworks in coaching, is like giving more and more free boarding passes onto the ship Titanic. It sounds fantastic while you’re on shore, but it’s a disaster when you cross the great ocean that’s life.

The organization as such, evolved to its next phase in 2015. We shifted the focus away from how to make coaching more accessible, and onto the question of how to make coaching more advanced.

We formed this new mission on two principles:

The first, was our mission, the end goal of coaching towards the furthest edges of human potential – i.e. how to move towards the peak states of well-being, in a measurable and meaningful way.

The second was our method, the means towards this goal – Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. Meaning that we would be uncompromising in this pursuit, regardless of economic expediency, political correctness, fashionable ideas or personal desires about the matter.

Herein lies The Australian Life Coaching Society as it stands today.

About Our Products and Services

The Australian Life Coaching Society aims to serve our primary customers (those we serve with coaching solutions) by assisting them with effective coaching solutions, inclusive of:

  1. Multi-Media Coaching Programs
  2. Personalized Life Coaching Programs
  3. Executive and Business Coaching for Organizations

We aim to add value to our secondary customers (our member coaches) by providing them with:

  • Ongoing skill building and sharing discussions and workshops
  • The opportunity to meet and build relationships with other high-minded (or magnanimous driven) coaches
  • Opportunities to enhance professional skills and remuneration through working with our primary customers
  • Opportunities to build on leadership and research skills through involvement in committee meetings, collaborative projects and other such ventures
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